Skriv mere end 140 tegn med Tweet More Not Less

1 Min læsning

Af: Cille Bjerring Larsen

Er du træt af at skulle begrænse dig til 140 tegn, når du skal tweete? No more! Med app’en Tweet More not less, kan du skrive mere end 140 tegn og smide tweetet direkte på twitter!


Nogle mener, at noget af charmen ved Twitter er de max 140 tegn. Men alle Twitterbrugere har vist efterhånden prøvet at måtte bytte ord ud, fjerne et komma eller skrive hele møget om, fordi de 140 tegn ikke lige rakte helt langt nok til det perfekte fuglefløjt. Så mangler du lige det sidste plads, er der her et råd.

Skærmbillede 2014-03-21 kl. 20.19.29

Hent app’en Tweet more not less i App Store, og så er den kvidrende hovedpine ovre i en fart. Du indtaster blot din tekst, vælger den font, du bedst kan lide, læser dit tweet igennem og sender det direkte til din Twitterprofil.

Skærmbillede 2014-03-21 kl. 20.20.12

Det er så op til dig at vurdere, om du vil holde twitter-ordenen i hævd eller spice reglerne lidt op og være en ren character-renegade.

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1 Comment
  • djpapu
    juli 11, 2016

    гЃ« Just got the word back from my source down there – up to the steps at New Bridge today so it should be a good day! There are some pics as well if you have difficulties digesting French and German…. I even went in to its upper upper reaches, from up the Dyfi valley via a long steep walk in and ran a fabulous(almost certainly first run)mountain section. дЅї гЃ№ Have you tried contacting your RCO? I think for your area it is Ian Scott, but check with BCU. See: I’m currently using forte agent to read the newsgroup and it seems that the server here at Notts Uni seems to miss quite a number of posts, so that combined with the ghost town status means that I only check out of habit. I haven’t had anything to add that is worth discussing tho’! Two of them did once leave the Thames valley to see what was outside it (Chris Wheeler and James Farquharson) but they soon went back crying as they couldn’t hack it. I’m going to be lurking for a couple of days around the Dart Country Park next week, staying on from the weekend. I didn’t create them, they :) came with the board and they’re :evil over-running the place…stamp on the little critters, I hate them! Of the boats you’ve listed, the Inazone’s definitely the best bet. The Glide is a very trippy design – the rails are super sharp, and it’s long and slicey enough for nose pins to be a potential problem. It rewards you if you’re on form, but that’s probably not the type of boat you’re looking for as a river runner. The Sub-7’s a great boat (I’ve got one) but it’s not really a grade IV/V river runner – it’s very tight on the feet, you probably can’t fit in with shoes, which are essential if you’re paddling with other people, it’s pretty tail-happy if you’ve got splits in the back etc. Great playboat, perfect for easier rivers, but not the boat I’d choose for anything which may have consequences. The Quadro’s only really worth looking at if you can get a good price – it’s a great river runner, but the play performance isn’t too good. The hull’s not very loose, the rails aren’t really there and there’s a very twitchy feeling when you’re side surfing. On the other hand, the new Xeno might be worth a look (check out system X’s website). ж•° We had a quick blast down the Loop on Sunday- having already decided that the Upper was best left to Mark, Chris & Co. Hope you found that interesting, if not apologies for such a long post!
